Iterative Requirements for Better ChatGPT Results

Mo Alsaedi
3 min readApr 6, 2023


Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

I recently read a quote (On Ben’s Bites excellent A.I. newsletter) that changed the way I think about and interact with the various A.I. services out there, but specifically with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is a reasoning engine, not a knowledge-base — Dan Shipper

If you’re familiar with ChatGPT, you know it’s a powerful language model that can assist with tasks like coding, writing, and content analysis. But it really is much more, and we have only begun to scratch the surface.

One way I was able to squeeze some seriously high-quality responses from ChatGPT was through what I like to call the iterative requirements method.

You see, the way you present your requirements can significantly impact the quality of the responses you receive. In this short post, I’m sharing the method I’ve been using to organize my requests, leading to more precise and helpful results from ChatGPT. You can see a screenshot of a full conversation example at the bottom of this post.

The Method: Refining Requirements

The key to getting better responses from ChatGPT lies in presenting well-structured and organized requirements. Here’s the process I’ve been following:

  1. Start with a clear list of requirements: Begin by providing ChatGPT with a concise list of requirements for the task at hand. Make sure to cover all the important aspects, so the AI has a clear understanding of what you need.
  2. Tell ChatGPT to wait: At the end of your first iteration of the list, tell ChatGPT to wait for you to approve or adjust the list of requirements before proceeding with the requested task. Remember, this can be any type of task you need done.
  3. Refine and adjust: As you communicate with ChatGPT, pay close attention to its responses. If necessary, refine and adjust your requirements to ensure that the A.I. is on the right track. Feel free to add, remove, or modify elements to make your requirements as precise as possible.
  4. Iterate: Use the iterative process of refining your requirements until you’re satisfied with the AI’s understanding of your needs. This may involve several rounds of back-and-forth communication, but it’s worth the effort to ensure that ChatGPT delivers the best possible outcome.

Benefits of the Method

Organizing and refining your requirements for ChatGPT offers several advantages:

  1. Improved accuracy: A well-structured set of requirements helps ChatGPT grasp your needs more accurately, leading to more relevant and helpful responses.
  2. Efficiency: By refining your requirements as you interact with ChatGPT, you’re able to reach the desired outcome more quickly, saving valuable time and effort.
  3. Better outcomes: Overall, this method ensures that ChatGPT’s responses are more closely aligned with your expectations, resulting in higher-quality outcomes.

In summary, taking the time to organize and refine your requirements when interacting with ChatGPT can greatly enhance the quality of the results you receive. By following this method, you’ll be able to harness more out of this powerful A.I. tool and achieve better outcomes across various tasks, from coding to content analysis to getting book recommendations. Give it a try and see the difference it makes!

For an even more in-depth look at communicating with ChatGPT:

And if you’re interested in exploring the intricacies of A.I. and copyright, you can start here:

